Stars in Progress: Mick Foley/HOF, Del Rio, TNA PPV Schedule

TNA Impact WrestlingTNA Dropping Pay Per Views – One Step Down

Let me first give all the credit in the world to TNA for at least trying new things. That's never been the problem with their company and its lack of decisive growth and progress over the past decade. However, I'm afraid it's a "too little, too late" situation.

Financially, the decision to focus on four major pay per view events each year likely makes sense. It makes sense creatively, too. TNA has always done their best to pursue longevity in their top stories and angles. This new strategy should allow them to continue that pattern, and make it even easier to pull off effectively.

I just don't know if today's wrestling fans will accept it. Sure, the internet fans will argue it's a good decision, but I think that's more due to the fact we're cheap by nature. When it comes to spending $40 or more on a paid wrestling event every month, we're going to go with WWE over TNA nearly every time. Casual fans will do the same thing.

This decision is being made on the premise that a considerable amount of MORE fans will buy the four major pay per views each year, and the "One Night Only" events will sustain the loyal, diehard fans that are ordering the PPV's already. I'm just not too confident it will work.

TNA's biggest problem, in my opinion, has always been – and will likely continue to be – marketing. Four pay per views a year or forty doesn't change that.


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