Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 1-21-13

Daniel BryanThe Stories

-Daniel Bryan and Kane graduated from Anger Management. Dr. Shelby was there and made it official. At first, I began to laugh at both men, especially as Bryan slicked his hair back. That was a nice touch and thought was very funny. Him and Kane are great together, but my biggest problem is still the same. You must build other tag teams while keeping Kane and Bryan relevant. Unless they plan on splitting soon, where is their competition? Without competition, they become irrelavant and not important to watch each week. Think of how great Sandow and Rhodes could have been in this segment, with their charisma and egotistical way of speaking. They missed out on some great comedy, furthering a feud, and making more than one team interesting. Grade: C+

– John Cena came out with a weird and annoying promo to end Raw. He finally got to his point of winning the Royal Rumble match, but was interrupted by Sheamus, Antonio Cesaro, Primetime Players, The Miz, and other men who will be in the match. The night ended with a brawl, the same exact one we see before Royal Rumble every year. I just was hoping there would be a surprise guy to come out, some shock, or some reason to WANT to buy the Royal Rumble. This did not excite me at all. Do I really care to see JTG, Justin Gabriel, and other guys who have NO shot at winning? Why not throw a surprise guy out there tonight so the fans can be intrigued to see what happens in the match Sunday? Grade: C


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