Title This: WWE Royal Rumble Reaction 1-27-13

WWE Royal RumbleAlberto Del Rio defeated The Big Show in a Last Man Standing Match

What I Liked:

I really felt this match was a huge step in the progression of Alberto Del Rio as a face. With the match from a few weeks ago, they needed it to be different. The crowd was a HUGE factor in making this different because they were completely behind Del Rio throughout. This got the crowd hot and was an excellent match to kick off the night. Del Rio was slapped time and time again from the large hands of Big Show and really had trouble getting his offense into gear. This fight would spill to the outside, where Big Show and Del Rio both stood on top of a piece of the stage. The spot was set perfectly, and Del Rio sold the fall through a table clean and without fault. Big Show got close to getting a ten count, but Del Rio was able to get up. Del Rio was able to beat down the giant with multiple chair shots, and even used some steps as well. He did not get a huge spot on Show, but outsmarted him. He took down Show after some brutal shots, and Ricardo duct taped his feet to the bottom rope. I hated when they did this with Cena and Batista because it made Cena look much weaker than Batista, but this was very intelligent. The writers needed to find another way to keep Show from getting up, and it was smart and intelligent. Del Rio and Ricardo are extremely likable, especially with their rub from Bret Hart before the match. That was perfect. It did not make sense, but the crowd gave Del Rio and Ricardo a huge pop. Usually announcers do not help face characters but they try to gain the heat. This is a rare instance where this is working, and Del Rio is getting better and better at being himself and keeping a great face turn working.

Grade: B+


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