What’s Bothering Me: WM Without Taker, Tough Enough, Rock

Next week I'll do the positive version of this feature, but for now, here are a few things bothering me in the world of pro wrestling. Feel free to leave your opinions below in the Comments section or send me a tweet on Twitter.

Steve Austin Tough EnoughNo More Tough Enough?

Did anyone catch the recap of the recent Steve Austin interview where he discussed the future of Tough Enough? I did, and it frustrated me.

According to Austin, it was WWE that pulled the plug on the show and he has no idea why. Despite the positive reviews all around, Tough Enough seems to have been lost in translation somewhere. As a result, the centerpiece of the show and the primary reason for watching (my opinion) has now "moved on down the road".

That's the part that bothers me the most about this situation – fans may never get to witness another Steve Austin match, but Tough Enough at least allowed to watch him entertain once a week in somewhat of a wrestling capacity. And no offense to his movies, but Steve Austin is a much better "wrestling" actor than he is a Hollywood one. (That sounded a bit offensive anyway.)

The idea of Steve Austin working one more match, say at WrestleMania XXX next year in New Orleans, isn't necessarily off the table completely. Those close to him (Jim Ross, anyone?) doesn't expect it to happen, but fans can still dream. The worst part is that in every Steve Austin interview you see, hear or read these days, it seems he has something negative to say or feel about his former employer. And rightfully so, from the look of things.

Complications with the WWE Network could be the reason Tough Enough was placed on hold indefinitely, but that's no excuse in my opinion. They should have found a way to keep Steve Austin in their good graces by producing the show anyway. Then, when the timing is right, approach him about one last match.

It just seems now that WWE is doing everything they can NOT to help the situation with Austin.


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