Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 2-22-13

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Sheamus defeated Damien Sandow to kick off the action for Friday night's show. Although we all knew who would win this match, I really enjoyed the back and forth physicality between the two guys. The match went from Sheamus punching Sandow, but Sandow was able to get back onto the offensive. Sandow has a great striking game, with headbutts and punches to Sheamus. Not many people in the WWE use many different pieces, but stick to what they are known for. Sheamus came back with chops to his chest and a vertical suplex, gaining the momentum. The end of the match saw Damien reverse a move, hit the ropes, but get hit with the Brogue Kick for the loss. Good action, intense offense from both guys, and I really thought that Sandow and Sheamus exchanged enough offense to give us an old school brawl. Well done. The only problem is why cannot Damien pick up a big win, instead of suffering loss after loss after loss to main event talent. Grade: B

Layla and Kaitlyn defeated Tamina and Aksana in a pretty sloppy Divas match. Layla had a few moves in the match, spotlighting her athleticism. Aksana just looks a little lost in the match, not knowing where to go or what to do during a move. You can tell the division is hurting if these 4 are some of your better Divas. Kaitlyn picks up the victory after a blind tag and a spear. Layla looks a little upset, and maybe this is something to look out for. Layla was MUCH better as a heel, but do we really care about Layla? Why not give Natalya the opportunity? At least she would be able to help the progression of Kaitlyn, carry a feud, and carry the action in the ring. Grade: C-

The Miz defeated Cody Rhodes in a solid match that made sure The Miz was being taken more seriously than normal. With his feud with Antonio Ceasro still fuming, you need to have Miz win matches with assurance. Too bad it comes to the expense of Cody Rhodes, who has fallen way off since breaking apart from Damien Sandow. We really need that team back together to feud with Team Hell No. I enjoyed the side suplex from The Miz, alterating a once older move to make it fresh and different. Cody has great instincts in the ring, even if it is him setting up to lose. He misses a kick, has The Miz take him down, and tap out to the Figure Four. A good match with a few slow spots, but ultimately needed to do what was most important, and that was make Miz look extremely strong. Grade: B-