Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-1

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Alberto Del Rio defeated Damien Sandow in a match that was really, really good. Del Rio needs to continue to get over in a big way. He was able to work on the upper body of Sandow, but I was impressed with how much offense Sandow had in the match. Without a storyline or feud, Sandow showed that he can wrestle with anyone. His characteristics in the ring was perfect for what he has been asked to say outside of it. Sandow was able to hit continous knees to Del Rio's stomach and come close with some pinfalls. Del Rio fired back in a big way, working over the lower body of Sandow. The chemistry and flow of the match was fitting for both guys who rely mostly on submission and a more technical approach. All I wish was Sandow to have a feud heading into Wrestlemania but it looks doubtful. Nonetheless, it makes the champion look strong. Another suggestion would be that Del Rio could potentially beat Americans so Swagger has more reason to hate him. Grade: B

Antonio Cesaro defeated The Miz to retain the United States Championship in a 2/3 Falls match. I can honestly say that Cesaro is one of the best all around wrestlers in the WWE. Cesaro and Miz exchanged blows back and forth until Cesaro hit his Neutralizer for the first pinfall. The second fall went to The Miz during a commercial break, which confused me. When you see a face chasing the heel for the gold, you should let the WWE Universe see the positives. Miz needed to be seen beating Cesaro, but they did not do that. Anyways, Cesaro and Miz brawled back and forth after both scored a victory. Cesaro would end up missing an elbow only to be hit in the knee with a dropkick. It was very smart to have Cesaro's main moves fail, with the possibility and potential that Miz could win. While on their knees, they exchange fists and get the crowd really into the action. The story was being told through action, not words. The Miz greatly needed this. Cesaro was able to reverse a move from the Miz for the victory, holding his tights. I love the fact that Cesaro won, but question the way he did it. He dominanted The Miz a few motnhs ago. I want to believe the fact that he could lose to The Miz, but I question the timing of it. He steals a win, which tells me that he will face Miz…again. It shows you that Cesaro has no other face to feud with. If they are going to have a final encounter at Wrestlemania, there has to be a stipulation. A single's match is out the window now with this great match we saw. What stipulation would you want to see? Grade: B+

Primetime Players defeated Team Hell No in another gimmick match. Kane was blindfolded, while Daniel had one arm tied behind his back. Another random match that shows the feud brewing between Kane and Bryan. I will still say this, I want them to defend the titles in 5 weeks, not be in a single's match against one another. If they stay in a tag team, more talent will be used at Wrestlemania. This is simply the best and most logical thing to do. Build the division. I cannot say this time and time again. Grade: C


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