Stars in Progress: Ryback/Henry, Kenny King, Legends Down

Ric FlairLegends on Raw – One Step Down

The "Old School" edition of Raw last night was good overall. I might be biased too, but I thought the New Age Outlaws looked great. We reported earlier that they'll likely be wrestling Sandow and Rhodes next week, and I have no qualms with that.

However, I thought the rest of the legends used last night were booked poorly.

Part of the problem is that we've seen WWE legends so frequently in recent months. With RAW1k and the 20th Anniversary show, shows like last night don't feel near as special as they would if they weren't so close together.

What we got last night was much better than if the legends had gotten in the way of regular programs and storylines, but I still feel there's better ways to use these guys when you have them. Most of it just felt cheesy and pointless.