What’s Bothering Me: Chael Sonnen, Bully Ray Caught, Punk/Urn

Bully Ray#2. Bully Ray Crosses The Line

In the middle of all the recent praise and respect being given to Bully Ray – and rightfully so – his latest stunt of arrogance and stupidity deserves the same level of attention. Not the positive kind though.

Bully Ray yelled anti-gay slurs in the face of a fan at a recent TNA event, and it looks like he'll be getting off the hook with a small slap on the wrist. Dixie could do something more behind the scenes, but I doubt it. And if she does, it should be made public so there's no question.

Fine him, strip him, suspend him – do something…anything!

I'm no martyr, nor do I think Bully Ray should be strapped to a cross and stoned for this one mistake, but a Twitter apology is simply not enough. His actions were unacceptable, and he should be held accountable.

Heels interacting with fans at live events is nothing new. It's often the reason paying the extra money for front row seats is worth it, but this was so far over the line, it's not even comical. This is the reason why some mothers shield their children from pro wrestling, and the reason why they have a legit reason for doing it.

Bully Ray might be the best heel in the business right now, but if this ended up costing him his spot on top of the card, I'd be fine with it.


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