Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-29-13

Jack SwaggerThe Storylines

Jack Swagger vs. The Great Khali ended in a Double Countout. What can you say besides horrible? The match was really bad and it should not be a surprise to anyone. After the match, Swagger attacked Hornswoggle. Ricardo ends up coming out and distracting Swagger so Alberto attacks him from behind. Zeb Colter tries to help Jack, but to no avail. Jack runs out and avoids getting hit with a crutch. They escape without much damage.

-I still think this fell really flat for me for a few reasons. It STILL seems like the story is about Ricardo and Zeb, not Jack and Alberto. There is no payoff with the feud being focused around the two managers/announcers. Swagger attacks Alberto's buddy, so why doesn't Alberto go after Zeb? Wouldn't that make sense? Isn't that typical WWE booking? I want to see Swagger have some adversity to overcome, not escape time and time again. I still think that it is progressively getting less interesting. They have Raw to make up for that. I doubt that it will get much better. Second, why Khali? Why Hornswoggle? The fans DO NOT CARE ABOUT THEM.

Grade: C

– Paul Heyman has a pre-recorded interview that is aired. He talks about taking everything away from Triple H, hurting him, and everyone hating Triple H. He goes on to say that he is going to resent himself and that he will live to regret messing with himself and Brock Lesnar. This was a pleasant surprise. I was merely waiting for the video package to air and then head to a commercial break. Wouldn't it be nice if they added Stephanie or Vince? Since it could be his last match, why not bring them in for support and add them to the story even more?

Grade: B

Ryback and Mark Henry do a weightlifting competition

Both men get to 53 reps until Ryback is about to beat Henry. Henry slams the bar down on his neck and basically chokes him. He says that the no contact is still in tact because he did not actually touch him. I am alright with how this played out. There is not much else you can do with them besides fight. It added a little flavor to the match and to the feud. The feud is based primarily on power. We will see how they book the last Raw with them. Tag Match?

Grade: B-


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