Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-29-13

The RockThe Main Event

-The Rock came back to Smackdown, this time talking about a story of Hershey, PA. He talks about how he is happy to return, but is interrupted by John Laurinaitis. He comes out and talks about John Cena costing him his job, and wants to help The Rock at Wrestlemania. He is met with a People's Elbow and Rock celebrates. We have no sight of Cena and Rock does not really add anything to the feud tonight. I love seeing The Rock, but why can't they have Cena come out and face off with him? When you have your main event guys NOT wrestling for the past month, at least give us a segment where they are seen together. Even if they do not talk, it would be good to see the anticipation and aggression seen in their faces. Does John Laurinaitis stay around? I doubt it, but would not be opposed to it. I think this was solely to make Rock not be booed.

Grade: C+

Randy Orton, Sheamus, and The Big Show defeated Rhodes Scholars and Antonio Cesaro to end Smackdown. This was action packed and actually entertaining. I was impressed with how they let Cesaro gain the offensive advantage. The end came when Orton hit an RKO and Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on Rhodes for the win. The Shield made their way out and Orton and the boys attacked them in the crowd. They fought off the heels and posed in the crowd. I liked how they adapted their style to that of The Shield's. They took a page out of theirs and the overall angle was very good. I get more excited to see this and who turns heel. Is it Sheamus or Randy? Take your pick.

Grade: B

WWE Smackdown Grade: B-

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