What’s Bothering Me: Part-Timer Hate, Cesaro, Cena vs Ryback

Ryback#2. John Cena vs Ryback

WrestleZone just posted a story claiming one idea for Cena following WrestleMania is a program with Ryback. If Cena is the heel of the program, dismiss everything I'm about to say about it. I'm 100% on board.

Cena won't be the heel, however, so the following will be my opinion if it indeed takes place.

Cena vs Ryback helps one person, and one person only: John Cena. Ryback will be the ultimate loser and has no chance to come out of it looking better than he went in. And he wouldn't be going into looking "that" good.

The worst part of it all? WWE has already done this to Ryback, yet they are considering doing it again.

Ryback was rushed into the program with Punk, thus causing his streak (and momentum) to come to a halt. He lost repeatedly. He then moved on to The Shield, and after getting his ass handed to him over and over again, he was never allowed redemption. WWE brushed it under the rug before we even got the conclusion to the story.

Go back to what I said about Cesaro, the same applies here. WWE Creative often has a one-track mind and when something new and shiny comes along, the thing that was shiny JUST yesterday is no longer cool anymore. In this case, Ryback was the new, shiny toy…until The Shield came along.

Ryback beating Mark Henry at WrestleMania this Sunday is a start, and only a start. Feeding him to Cena, pun intended, immediately after would certainly be a mistake if you're wanting to rebuild Ryback to a significant degree.

Then again, maybe WWE doesn't see the main event in Ryback's future anymore. If that's the case, this is all moot and it doesn't really matter if he works Cena after Mania.


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