Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA “One Night Only” X-Travaganza Review

A video package highlights some of the most extreme moments in the history of the X-Division. There are a lot of Canadian Destroyers involved. 

Kenny King is interviewed before the next match, and talks about all the great stars backstage right now, including Rob Van Dam. He says after tonight, people will realize he’s not just a feature of the X-Division, he is the very present of the X-Division. Good stuff from Kenny King. 

A video package shows off the history of the Ultimate X match, including an interview with Kurt Angle. 

Ultimate X Match
Zema Ion vs. Rubix vs. Mason Andrews vs. Kenny King

Tons of high flying X-Division action in this match – certainly more than what I can include here. Notably, King pulled Rubix off the tight rope, caught him on his shoulders and delivered a wicked Royale Flush. Zema also pulled off a fantastic corkscrew splash from the top turnbuckle, taking out both Andrews and King on the floor. Rubix put on a great show as well, and had a spot where he dropkicked Zema and hit a tilt-the-whirl DDT on King, in the same move! 

Finish comes when Rubix climbs the ropes and takes down the X, but Kenny King catches him on his shoulders, takes the X and hits an electric chair drop. As the rules state whoever hits the ground with the X first wins, King is declared the winner!

Results: Kenny King gets the X

I don’t know if anybody else caught on to this, but this match brought together some major talent from all over the independent scene. Zema – arguably the least known – from TNA and formerly International Wrestling Cartel. Mason Andrews, or Scorpio Sky from Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Rubix, or Jigsaw from CHIKARA. Kenny King, from Ring of Honor. Not sure if it was intentional, but as a well-rounded wrestling fan I appreciated it. 

This was definitely the best match of the night thus far, with tons of action and a great showcase from all four. I’m not sure what TNA’s budget looks like for new talent right now, but I’d be happy with both Rubix and Andrews on the roster in a more full-time capacity. Zema has intrigued me for awhile, but this “One Night Only” pay-per-view was the first time – in my estimation anyways – that he really showed up and left me feeling that “wow” factor. If he can perform to that level on a consistent basis, I would really like to start seeing more of him around Impact Wrestling. 

If you’re looking for a real story-driven match, you may find yourself disappointed here. I found nothing to be disappointed in, personally, but I just wanted to throw that disclaimer down. 

Grade: B


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