Mt. Killamanjaro: TNA “One Night Only” X-Travaganza Review

Mt. Killamanjaro — @MikeKillam
TNA “One Night Only” X-Travaganza Review

A video package highlighting the history of TNA’s X-Division airs, after which Mike Tenay and Taz welcome us to the very first “One Night Only” pay-per-view. 

In our first “Top 10 Moments” video package, we are shown footage of AJ Styles getting the pinfall over Jerry Lynn to become the first ever X-Division Champion. 

In our second “Top 10 Moments” video package, Michael Shane – the cousin of Shawn Michaels – wins the first ever Ultimate X match. Shane, now wrestling as Matt Bentley, makes his way down for our first match. These video packages are actually really nice for newer fans tuning in, or just as a refresher. 

Escape the Cage Match
Christian York vs. Matt Bentley vs. Alex Silva vs. Sam Shaw vs. Lince Dorado vs. Puma vs. Jimmy Rave

The rules have all the men surrounding the ring, except for the two legal men – it’s pinfall or submission only until the final two competitors remain, at which point them must escape the cage. 

-Christian York eliminates Lince Dorado with the Mood Swing
-Sam Shaw eliminates Puma with a neckbreaker
-Matt Bentley eliminates Alex Silva; assist Sam Shaw
-Jimmy Rave eliminates Sam Shaw with his finisher
-Christian York eliminates Matt Bentley with the Mood Swing

Christian York and Jimmy Rave are the final two X-Division stars left in the match. York connects with the Mood Swing off the top rope, and escapes the cage to win. 

Results: Christian York escapes the cage

This is the kind of high flying curtain-jerker we used to see back in WCW, but with much less name recognition and crowd participation. I don’t mean to offend some of these lesser-known workers, because many of them are great talents, but you could tell the live crowd had no idea with most of them. It was a nice treat for the older TNA fans, seeing Matt Bentley back in X-Division action.

I’m still not sold on Christian York, as I’m not sure he’s got the athleticism to be a part of this division, but at the very least he’s got a good look. As Taz pointed out during the match, everyone wore black, making it all the more difficult to keep track of the action if you didn’t already know the competitors. The goal, I’m sure, was a fun and fast-paced opener, calling back to the X-Division days of old. Unfortunately, their attempt was more of a whimper than a bang. 

Grade: D+


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