Title This: WWE Raw Reaction for 4/8/13

WWE RawThe Undercard:

Big E Langston defeated Daniel Bryan in a quick match. Bryan was able to get some offense in on Big E, most notably his kicks to the massive chest of the rookie. Big E used a distraction from Ziggler to beat Bryan. I wanted to see more offense from Langston and a clean win, especially since they lost clean a night before. It is all about dominating the competition and Bryan would have been a nice victory if he would have won clean.

Grade: C+

Wade Barrett defeated The Miz to recapture the Intercontinental Championship. This was an excellent bout, one that was worthy of a spot on Wrestlemania's main card. They were given tons of time to work over each other. Barrett added some nice moves to his arsenal, such as his reverse neckbreaker that knocked The Miz out of the ring. Miz would get back onto the offensive until Barrett hit the Bullhammer for the victory. Wade reclaims the title, so why did he lose it a night ago? What is the point? To keep Miz undefeated? I do not buy that excuse.

Grade: B+

Zack Ryder, Santino, and R-Truth defeated 3MB in the only dead spot of the night. Santino would win with The Cobra. I believe they had a free segment so decided to give Ryder a quick pop so close to his home. Not much to comment about here, as it was worthless and the amazing crowd made it feel a little more important. It really wasn't.

Grade: D

Randy Orton vs. Sheamus ended in No Contest, in an excellent match that will not be remembered because of the insane crowd chants throughout. I will admit more late rin the article about the crowd. Anyways, Sheamus and Orton worked incredibly well together, as both men hit their respected move set. Orton was in control more often than not, until Sheamus was able to hit a White Noise. Sheamus was ready to hit the Brogue Kick until The Big Show came out and destroyed both men. This was impressive to see, especially the incredible spear he laid onto Orton. He threw chairs and really seemed like a bad ass. This is the Big Show that gets over. The face turn for a week was a little blip on the radar to get him on the Wrestlemania card. People will remember this over Sunday night, so why did they focus the end of the match last night on Show? Spotlight The Shield.

Grade: A-

Tons of Funk, Naomi, and Cameron defeated Rhodes Scholars and The Bellas. This was supposed to happen a night ago, but did not for timing reasons. It was a decent match and I was happy to see some progression from the Divas. You can tell Naomi will be really good in the long run. She has an incredible look, sex appeal, and the athleticism to compete in the WWE. I wanted to see Rhodes Scholars win because they NEED IT. Tons of Funk are who they are, and that is comedy act tag team to lighten up the crowd. Wins and Losses do not matter with their characters.

Grade: B-


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