Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 4-12-13

Dolph ZigglerThe Main Event

-Dolph Ziggler kicked off the night by talking about it being his time. To do his best not getting cheered, he says this title is in spite of the fans. He talks about how great he is and then gets interrupted by Jack Swagger. Swagger congratulates him and says that at least he is an American. Ziggler says it is his time and he needs to get out of the ring. Big E gets in the way of Swagger attacking Ziggler. Del Rio comes out and talks about getting a rematch. Out comes Jericho, who tells Dolph that he faces him tonight in the main event.

I love the fact that the World Heavyweight Champion started and ended the show. That is so crucial in his development as World Heavyweight Champion. Also, how great does Big E look now that he is the protector of the champion. Before, it seemed like an odd pairing, but it now makes much sense.

Dolph Ziggler defeated Chris Jericho when Big E Langston hit Jericho after a Fandango interference. I would pay to see Jericho and Ziggler fight every single night. These guys know how to work, recreate matches, and really awe the crowd. Ziggler, as champion, is booked the same way tonight as we are used to seeing. He comes out fast, gets hit with some adversity, and uses interference to pick up the win. This is the perfect fit for a heel champion to face on Smackdown. A few highlights in the match was Ziggler reversing Jericho into a swinging DDT, Jericho countering a Zig Zag into a Lionsault, and the end of Fandango interfering. The chemistry of the match was perfect, with the pacing never seeming rushed. They had plenty of time to tell the story.

-Ziggler stands tall at the end of the night, while Fandango gets the final shot. He attacks Jericho once again and hits his legdrop from the top. I am completely alright with this. Ziggler was the big story and Fandango continues to boost his stock. WWE sometimes forgets they can mesh two storylines and feuds into one segment. They got it right here. I fully expect Del Rio and Swagger in a number one contender's match next week, potentially with a few more guys added, to see who will fight Ziggler. Or, they could give the rematch to Del Rio since he is "owed" one. All in all, good show overall.

Grade: B+

Smackdown Grade: B-


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