Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 4-19-13

Austin AriesThe Storylines

– We have more in the Tag Team division to discuss after the night. Bad Influence comes out and talks about how they are going to win the titles back, but Aries and Roode make their way and say that they are "Dumb and Dumber." The former world champions bash Daniels and Kazarian and talk about how they have a rematch. The Champions come out and attack them, standing tall with their gold in their hands.

I liked this because the champions looked strong, while two other teams are arguing for a chance to fight them. Like I said, I am a huge fan of building multiple teams at once. It gives your creative writers options and flexibility to decide what to do. They should not have taken the titles off of Roode and Aries, but this is still a step in a positive direction.

Grade: B-

Devon defeated Samoa Joe when the Aces and Eights interfered. Anderson hit Joe with brass knuckles, while Devon picked up the victory afterwards. Once again, the same old routine for them. They seem like they aren't even trying to be creative anymore. Do we really care about a guy like Anderson? He is unappealing to me and has become basically a henchman for a group of even more useless former WWE guys.

Grade: C-


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