Stars in Progress: Chris Jericho, Wade Barrett Down, Wyatt Family

Chris JerichoChris Jericho – One Step Up

I will admit that my respect for Chris Jericho has waivered over the past several years, but since January and the Rumble, it's never been any higher than it is right now.

This guy, in every since of the phrase, is honestly the best put-over man in the business right now, and one of the best it's ever seen. I don't know when and how it happened exactly, but Y2J is a genuine, bona fide superstar at this point.

He may never win another world title in his career, and he doesn't have to. He will stay as relevant as his health and desire permits. 

The crazy randomness of wrestling fans when things just click is a certainly a big reason why Fandango has gotten over to the degree he has. The other major factor is Chris Jericho and the work he did with him. 

Then, just like that, last night on Raw, Jericho proved he can still go from zero (with Fandango) to hero (with Punk) at a moment's notice. The privilege of bantering with Heyman and the fact it was Canada didn't hurt either, but again, Jericho deserves most of the credit. 

I was always a fan of Chris Jericho, the wrestler, but I also always questio doubted that he deserved all the red-carpet treatment WWE has shown him as a part-time guy in recent years. I don't doubt it anymore — not a lick.

It's justified now and too hard to continue arguing otherwise. So I won't any longer, even if it's completely out of character for me to do so. 

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