Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction June 13th, 2013

Kurt AngleThe Main Events

-Sting comes out to talk about his future. He says that Aces and Eights will fall, thanks to the "New" Main Event Mafia. I am not sure how to feel about this because who will be the members of this group? Do we really want to see older guys come in once again? Guys like Nash, Steiner, Booker T? Obviously, I know none of these three guys will come back, but who does Sting think are "main event" guys. Also, Aces and Eights do not have main eventers. What will come from this? Will this be a way for a fighting Hulk Hogan to return to the ring? If I was building this group, I would HAVE to have a guy that is legit. Someone like a Batista or even Lashley would be a nice fit, but come on. This is TNA, so expect guys like Chavo, Aries, Roode, and others. Maybe using their own guys is actually better? This is why it confuses me. Do we really need another big group of guys? Aren't we tired of Aces and Eights? Isn't Aces and Eights vs. TNA locker room the feud? There are too many questions with not enough answers.

Grade: B-

AJ Styles defeated Kurt Angle in a Bound For Glory Qualifying Match. We all know what we were going to get in this match. AJ hits Angle and tries to hit a slingshot press from the ring, but Kurt avoids it and takes him down with a release belly-to-belly suplex on the floor. This transition and chemistry from Styles and Kurt is hard to duplicate. The ending of the match was predictable. Styles steals a win to get into the BFG Series and Aces and Eights beat down Angle. Rampage comes out to help save Angle. I disliked this. Rampage needs to be feuding with one guy, one premiere guy, not a bunch of jobbers. I am sorry, but TNA made a huge mistake by making Rampage a good guy for the company. He should be the anti-company, solo, and worry solely on himself. I want Rampage and Angle feuding, not being best friends. It contradicts what we saw a week ago. Poor decision.

Grade: B

Impact Wrestling Grade: C

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