Title This: WWE Payback Reaction

Dean Ambrose defeated Kane to retain the WWE United States Championship


Reaction: The match between Ambrose and Kane left me wanting more. Kane was able to get in control for much of the match. He would use his brute strength, sideway slams, and chops to the throat to ground Ambrose. It always seemed like Ambrose was one step faster, one move ahead of him, though. The aggression with a simple elbow drop really shows you that Ambrose is going to try his hardest in selling even the simplest of moves. There were also a few underlying points as well, with Ambrose taunting The Undertaker. There is no doubt that we will see him in a match with The Shield sooner rather than later. Maybe Summerslam? Anyways, the end came when Ambrose hit a DDT on Kane which got him counted out. It was a cheap win, in my eyes, but one that makes sense. Kane is hard to book because you do not want a monster to continue to lose clean. I feel like Ambrose really needed a clean win though. He needs to solidify himself over a big name, not Kofi Kingston.

Grade: C+


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