Stars in Progress: Mark Henry, Punk vs Lesnar, Rob Van Dam

CM PunkCM Punk vs Brock Lesnar – One Step Up

A perfect ending to a very good edition of Raw last night. Punk vs Lesnar was inevitable, but I didn't expect itto happen quite this soon.

Quick aside: How about all the face/heel turns last night? Del Rio, Ziggler, Punk…it's hard to assume the crazy low ratings don't have something to do with Vince shaking things up a bit. 

I always expected Punk's heel turn to be temporary. Fans want to cheer him too much. And understandably so — he's incredible. 

Brock is a one-of-a-kind guy in WWE right now. Wins and losses truly don't matter for him. I can't say that for most.

Paul Heyman is the real key here. His involvement and the dynamic he'll add will take this program from good to great in an instant. Heyman vs Punk on the mic — it doesn't get much better.

Punk will ultimately go over. 

What I hope is that WWE Management decides to finally ride CM Punk, the good guy, as far as he's capable of taking them. They didn't do that the last time, at all. As soon as he challenged Cena as the true #1 company babyface, they pulled the reigns back just as fast.

That could easily happen again, pipe bombs or no pipe bombs. But how Vince will react to it this time is the real question.

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