Stars in Progress: Hogan & Hogan, Punk Down, Matt Striker

Hulk HoganHogan & Hogan – One Step Down

I couldn't agree more with Mark Madden's latest column this week, not that he would care. But the idea of Hulk Hogan vs Bully Ray, especially if the HW title is involved, kind of disgusts me actually. 

Harsh? Sure, but it's justified. There is no reason Hogan should be wrestling for TNA again, nor a reason they should want him to. Ratings and buyrates didn't justify it then, and they won't justify it now, 14 surgeries later (it seems). 

A future WrestleMania isn't even the place for "one more" Hogan match. No stage is big enough.

Hogan has nothing left to prove, and I don't see fans caring enough to warrant what's sure to be an awful display in the ring. With anyone. 

Khali could out-wrestle Hogan at this point. 

Then, there's Brooke. I honestly don't think she's that bad of an actress, but that's by wrestling standards and not saying much. Her involvement with the Knockouts Division suited her and should have been left alone. 

The whole dynamic between Hogan, Hogan and Bully Ray is just bad. And hard to watch. I hate to use the cliche, but it insults the intelligence of even the lowest common denominator of wrestling fans. And that's saying something considering how low that number really is. 

TNA is a great alternative about half of the time, with half of their roster, but I'll say it again: it is time for the Hogan Era to end. 

Maybe one more match, if you can call it that, will make Dixie realize that when it's all said and done. But probably not.

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