Title This: WWE Money in the Bank Reaction

Alberto Del Rio defeats Dolph Ziggler via Disqualification

Dolph Ziggler

This was an absolutely incredible match. When we doubt Alberto Del Rio, we doubt his personality and character. There is no question the guy can go in the ring. When you match him up with Ziggler, you are going to get great matches. Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio told a story in the ring. The story was all about revenge, hatred, and passion. You can see both guys trying to trump the other in big move after big move. Ziggler was on fire until he was slowed down by a brutal tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Alberto would head to the top rope but Dolph dropkicks him in mid air for a two count. Here is where it gets really interesting, as AJ Lee comes to the ring.  Dolph looks confused while she skips around the ring, and he says he has this and tells her to leave while he tries to attack Alberto. He sends Alberto into the ropes and hits a tornado DDT for two, then he heads up top but looks at AJ and Alberto uses the distraction to crotch Dolph on the turnbuckles. As Ziggler and Del Rio are squared off, AJ hits Del Rio in the face with her title and gets Ziggler disqualified. The ending is not my favorite but it makes complete sense. WWE cannot have a face dating a heel, so the heel needs to accidentally cost the face. It is simple and logical. Overall, the match was five star quality. The pace of the match was so smooth, without a hiccup. Bravo to Ziggler and Del Rio, two guys who put in a ton of work and a ton of their heart in this match. The feud continues….maybe.

Grade: A-


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