Top 10

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: WWE Summerslam Pay Per Views

Number 8: Summerslam 1994


Undertaker vs. Undertaker. This was the main event, and one of the most interesting storylines in the early 1990’s. I remember the awe of the new and improved urn, the Purple gloves and boots, and the two giants standing face to face. Even though this ended the night, the best match was Bret vs. Owen. This started the classic bouts of brother vs. brother. Talk about the hatred, the respect, and the great abilities of two men. Owen was always seen as the lesser of the two, until he was able to beat Bret. The WWE Championship was on the line this time, and Bret would pick up the win in a historic match. It was a technical steel cage match, with just the right amount of intensity. I really enjoyed watching this event again because it was very creative at a time when their main eventers were in a transitional stage.


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