Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction August 2nd, 2013

WWE SmackdownThe Undercard

Cody Rhodes defeated Jack Swagger in a four minute match. Rhodes was aggressive to start the match, but Swagger hit a gut wrench suplex for a two count. Swagger continued to use his size to overpower Rhodes. Cody was able to kick out of another move and finally reverse Swagger attempt at a powerbomb. This gave Rhodes the rollup win. After the match, Rhodes was interviewed by Josh Matthews until Damien Sandow attacked him. It was exactly what they needed to continue the feud. Cody and Damien are getting each other over each week in this feud. Neither guy is being carried by the other and it is working out perfectly. I am more interested each week to see how they progress and develop the small details of their feud. The match was not good but the overall continuation of Rhodes vs. Sandow was perfect for a night like this.

Grade: B

Big E Langston defeated Sin Cara in a glorified squash match. Does anyone really care to see Sin Cara wrestle? Langston picks up the win with his finisher in under 5 minutes. I am beginning to enjoy seeing the development of Langston in the ring. I think AJ Lee needs to be with him, but not every single week. Let him go out there and do work without being overshadowed by her. This was a good example, even though the match was meaningless and pretty weak because of who he faced.

Grade: C

CM Punk defeated Fandango in a really good bout. This match told me a few things. 1. Fandango is going to continue to work with many of the main event guys, even though he is not a main eventer. 2. CM Punk should NOT have struggled so much with beating Fandango if we really are supposed to believe he can beat Brock Lesnar at Summerslam. 3. Fandango has a great in ring style, mixing from slow and submissive to fast and athletic. He can do so much in the ring that we still have not seen and that is definitely a good thing for his development. Lastly, Punk picks up the win with a suplex from the top and an Anaconda Vice. He needs to use this from here on out because that is the only way he can beat Lesnar. Nobody wants to see a GTS on Brock.

Grade: B+

AJ Lee defeated Kaitlyn to retain the WWE Divas Championship. The biggest part coming out of this match was that Layla stopped Kaitlyn from attacking AJ Lee on the outside. Layla turns heel in an odd manor, but I liked it. Layla was always better being the funny and ridiculous heel. LayCool was actually somewhat entertaining at times and she made it intriguing. What is going to be the outcome of this? Is there a payoff? If Kaitlyn was champion, it would make much more sense.

Grade: C