Title This: WWE Raw Reaction August 12th, 2013

ChristianThe Championships

Alberto Del Rio vs Christian is a match that we have gotten free three times in the past month. Why do we want to watch this at SummerSlam? I try to understand the logic of this booking but I can't. Del Rio and Christian exchange words after Del Rio picks up a quick victory over Kofi Kingston. Christian talks about what he has done in the past and how he is going to be a 3-time World Heavyweight Champion. I wouldn't be surprised if he won, but what is the reasoning for him to hold the title? All I can think of is WWE wants a face to hold the title so Sandow can cash in on him. Either way,  a Sandow cash-in will get cheers because of the shock value that it holds. All in all, this match will be a fun one to watch from a technical standpoint. I just wish they would build a legit story that we can invest our time into. We did not get that whatsoever the past few weeks.

Grade: C

I fully expect WWE to add The Shield vs. Big Show and Mark Henry to the SummerSlam card because the return of Big Show tells you they want him on the card. If they did not have a plan for him at SummerSlam, it makes no sense to bring him back a week before SummerSlam. This is the ONE match that I do not mind being added so late because we know it is difficult to build a story around Henry and Show for over a month. The two largest athletes try to take down The Shield and it should be added. Big Show seems to have lost some pounds and could very well have another run at the top. Either way, Shield and these monsters will be added late and should have about ten minutes to really enforce the fact that Shield still reigns supreme.

Grade: B


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