WWE SummerSlam

Title This: WWE SummerSlam Wrap-up

The Best vs. The Beast

CM Punk

WWE SummerSlam’s best match was Brock Lesnar and CM Punk. This was an epic match that had a great story surrounding it and two athletes still at the top of their game. The intensity of both men was unquestioned and I really enjoyed the fact that Punk seemed to be able to counter and attack Brock punch for punch and kick for kick. With Paul Heyman outside, he had all of the little things to make the match go from great to spectacular. I was a little surprised to see Punk lose to Brock Lesnar because Lesnar simply does not NEED the victory. Punk is in a level by himself in the WWE, for now. Do not be shocked if Daniel Bryan surpasses him in the next few months. Nonetheless, Punk loses to Brock Lesnar in the best match of 2013. The next night shows you that this is not going to be over. It may be predictable, but Punk will now focus on getting back at Paul Heyman through Curtis Axel. This will be a big spot for Axel. If this falls flat for Axel, in a feud with “The Best in the World” then I fear that he may never be a main event caliber guy. Is that necessarily a bad thing though? Can’t we all agree that Axel could be a mid card guy for life like his father and be remembered as a great wrestler? Do we really need ANOTHER failure at the main event level? Punk and Heyman will continue to cut the best promos and push their feud to the breaking point. What will that be? I see BIG MONEY in a Punk vs. Heyman match. Heyman cannot wrestle, I understand that, but they need to continue to have Punk come so close only to fall short. That will be a huge payoff for WWE. As for Lesnar, I see him being a threat to Undertaker at Wrestlemania 30 if they do not do Undertaker vs. John Cena.

Grade: A