Top 10

WrestleZone’s Top 10: TNA Stars That Could Succeed In WWE

Number 9: Austin Aries

Austin Aries

Without question, Austin Aries is a talent. His physicality in the ring and his plethora of offense would shine in the WWE. He has great mic skills and has a knack for being able to excel as a heel or face, something that is a must these days. He would see success in WWE, but I feel like it would only be mediocre. He is not on the level of Punk, Bryan, Cena, Angle, Roode, and others in terms of “superstardom.” I worry if he would go to WWE and get buried. He deserves more than that, but WWE would most likely use him in a Christian role. Aries has it made in TNA. No matter what he does, they know how valuable he is to their company. He would find success in WWE, but TNA is where he thrives and is able to be himself. The image of him in WWE would certainly give a few WrestleZone staff members a heart attack. (Killam)


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