Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction September 27th, 2013

Dolph ZigglerThe Storylines

Dolph Ziggler vs. Dean Ambrose ends when a six man tag team match is created after all men get involved. RVD is with Kofi Kingston and Dolph Ziggler, while Ambrose has Rollins and Reigns. Ambrose and Ziggler pick up the pace with Ziggler trying to hit multiple elbows to the heart. I love this from him because it shows how fast and how intense his offense can be at times. Ambrose uses a distraction and plants Ziggler with a spinebuster. Ambrose may have the best spinebuster in the WWE right now. Ziggler is used as the whipping boy. As all hell breaks loose, RVD hits a top rope maneuver and takes out Reigns on the outside. Kingston hits a kick in the face of Ambrose and tries Trouble in Paradise for the win. He hits Reigns, but Rollins hits a knee to Kofi's face. Fantastic teamwork with cooperative efforts give The Shield the win. The action was fast, exciting and added small wrinkles to make this 6 man match a little different than the usual. The team of Kofi, Ziggler and RVD had all the offense in the world but it ended up being The Shield using all of their arsenal for the win. I can't get enough of The Shield and all of their offense. The continue to show you why they are so important in the bigger angle in WWE.

Grade: A-

WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee continues her winning ways with a win over Kaitlyn. AJ Lee grapples her neck and works her slowly on the mat. Cameron hits a few clotheslines and looks decent doing it. You can tell she is very young and will only improve her ways in the win. AJ Lee picks up the victory after a few close calls. Lee gets a little help from Tamina on the outside before he hits Shining Wizard onto Cameron. Lee HAS to mow through all of the Total Divas. This is the storyline that can help AJ Lee continue her dominance in the division. While doing this, there has to be one person that tries to rebel from her. Total Divas vs. WWE Divas needs to happen more each week. I like this because you can tell WWE has something up their sleeve. Not a bad match but not one that needs to be seen on a weekly basis. Who is up next?

Grade: C+


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