WrestleZone’s Top 10: Hell in a Cell Moments

Number 10: Shawn Michaels Plants an Elbow in Shane's Heart


At Unforgiven 2006, Degeneration-X were put into a match against Big Show, Vince McMahon, and Shane McMahon. The Hell in a Cell match was nothing unusual at this point in WWE but the rivalry was fresh. Shawn Michaels and Shane McMahon carried a good portion of the match and made it much better than what people thought it would be. The best part of this match happened to be one of the best elbow drops from the top rope EVER. Michaels soared in the air and looked to jam his elbow in the throat of Shane. This move shadowed what we were really seeing and that was a personal and heated feud between "families." DX would reign supreme, but this moment would certainly make the match memorable.


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