If Billy Corgan Did Buy TNA…

WZ was the first to report on Friday Billy Corgan as a potential buyer of TNA wrestling. Since then, speculation and focus has been surrounding what seems to be the inevitable sale of the company.

Today, new reports are saying Corgan isn't likely to get the company and that tweets from his friend confirming Corgan's serious interests have been deleted.

I'm not sure what others are or aren't seeing, but both tweets from Corgan's friend Lou D'Angeli can be found here and here still on his timeline confirming the interest to purchase TNA.

Everything is a rumor and potential until either TNA or Corgan himself confirms or a sale is complete. However, being that Corgan is the only name we have to even insert into the hypothetical new management situation, I took a look at what that could mean in column today for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review. 

The following is an excerpt:

Corgan's purchase would be an interesting PR move. The only people who know about TNA wrestling are hardcore wrestling fans. WWE has both casual and hardcore fans, but book to the casual fan.

TNA only has hardcore fans' interest. They're not a mainstream entity. They're the alternative to WWE. The typical TNA fan would know who Corgan is and his career.

When the news broke days ago, TNA suddenly became exciting again. Fans want more options and want wrestling to thrive the way it once did. The thought of someone they like for reasons not even relating to wrestling buying the company makes the bandwagon more appealing.

If Corgan buys TNA, he has the attention and support of the fans … for a little while.

Interestingly, the best part of a potential deal for Corgan is that there's a lot of cleaning up to do. He would be walking onto a badly damaged ship. There would be a lot of work ahead, but the only direction to go is up. At least, I think it can only go up. It's a scary thought otherwise.

Corgan would be rewarded for whatever progress he can make, and he will be given more time by the fans because they want to see him succeed. Fans never cared about Dixie Carter succeeding.

This is a chance for the company to start fresh. I wonder how valuable TNA's name is and if totally rebranding it would be a better option. There is a lot of snickering at TNA's expense in the wrestling community. The only people who praise it are diehards who think they're starting some type of movement to overcome Vince McMahon and WWE, and those followers are going to love the smell of whatever you put in front of them.

Click here to read the full column including which also features buying strategy, affording it, who to sign and more.


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