Title This: WWE Raw Reaction November 4th, 2013

Raw Reaction The Undercard Part Two

Dolph Ziggler defeated Curtis Axel. Much to my surprise, Ziggler picks up the victory over the Intercontinental Champion. I think Axel and Ziggler work really well together and could potentially put a long feud together. Axel is a brawler, a scrappy wrestler who seems to overpower smaller guys. Ziggler sold a great clotheslines and Axel can compete with Ziggler in who has the best dropkick in the game. Dolph countered a move by Axel and hits a Famouser for a near fall, then he goes for a Zig Zag but Axel counters. Another reversal gives Dolph a neckbreaker with a successful Zig Zag for the win. I really enjoyed the action in this match and look forward to seeing if WWE will go through with Ziggler in the Intercontinental Championship picture. Who else would be a better fit? I do not see anyone better than a former world champion who really needs someone to feud with. Axel needs it more.

Grade: B

The Uso's defeated 3MB in a very bland and generic tag team match. Drew hit a few forearm shots onto Jimmy which gave them the upper hand. Drew hit a fallaway slam and controlled the slow and methodical pace. Heath Slater tackles Jey and goes up top, but Jimmy superkicks him on the way down and tags Jey, who hits a Superfly Splash for the win. It was an average match that did nothing for either team. The Uso's took a step down tonight because of the lack of real competition. Squash matches are not good for a young tag team that desperately needs to be seen with main event talent to be taken seriously.

Grade: C-

The Need For a New Diva

The Bella Twins and Eva Marie defeated AJ Lee, Tamina, and Aksana. Not sure what to say here besides the heels continue to lose and that is not a good thing. Who is their best Diva? Who is the one female that has really taken the division by storm over the past two years? Why doesn't she have a real feud to work with right now? AJ Lee deserves much better than barely getting any action in a 6 Divas tag match. This frustrates me. Focus on one opponent for Lee. We need a new piece in the division. Eva Marie is too far below the actual ability of wrestling to be taken seriously as an opponent for Lee. Bellas are cliche opponents. Someone needs to help Lee keep the division interesting. Paging Mickie James.

Grade: D


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