Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction December 6th, 2013

wwe smackdown reactionThe Undercard

Big E Langston defeated Fandango in a quick bout that saw more offense from Fandango than I originally thought we would see. Langston went to the outside to attack Fandango, but was met with an impressive clothesline. Fandango got a little more offense in, including a pele type kick, but it was all about Langston finishing off Fandango to get ready for the WWE TLC match against Damien Sandow. I like Sandow being on commentary and having him be seen with Langston. For some odd reason, WWE tries to separate opponents for a few weeks at a time to give them squash matches. This does not really work for me when building a mid-card feud. I would much rather see them on the same screen at the same time. Build the drama from their expressions and the believability that the opponent can actually win. As for Fandango, it seems like he is going to job to the stars from now on. He beats Jericho at WrestleMania and now will be relegated to this. Goodbye, Fandango. Your push to the top was short-lived.

Grade: C

Curtis Axel and Ryback defeated Cody Rhodes and Goldust. The match was much quicker than I anticipated. In under five minutes, we were able to see a pretty good match between these guys. I wonder why WWE wants to give Ryback and Axel a title shot. Rhodes hits a moonsault and gets a two count. When everything breaks down from all four guys, Axel is able to roll up Rhodes for the victory. I am accustomed to seeing a great tag team match that is given time and enough to build upon. WWE is most certainly going to give Ryback and Axel a chance at the titles. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Whether you love or hate the heels, Ryback and Axel have some credibility to them. It would make more sense to me if they had a manager helping them out. Expect this match to be added to WWE TLC or even Royal Rumble if they can keep it going for that long.

Grade: C+

Del Rio Attacks Kingston

This was supposed to be a match, but it never officially got started. Haven't we seen this attack multiple times before? Why? Why would WWE do this to Del Rio again? Does anyone care about Del Rio attacking Kingston? NO! Neither guy benefits from this and neither guy will get a good rub from it. I hate the fact that WWE makes Del Rio look like a monster only a short time after losing clean to Sin Cara. WE DO NOT CARE ABOUT DEL RIO!

Grade: D

Natalya defeated Tamina Snuka in Divas action. The ending came when Natalya was able to outsmart the larger opponent, as Snuka missed a splash from the top rope. Natalya got the pin after this mistake. I wonder how WWE is going to book the match with AJ Lee. This could be the most danger that Lee has been in regarding potentially losing her Divas Championship. If she brags and brags on Raw about being Diva of the Year, I can easily see WWE giving the belt to Natalya for a few reasons. A. Total Divas trumps WWE Divas B. Natalya, while I feel she is a tad overrated, is really the only one who deserves the championship. It has been a while for her.

Grade: C+

Rey Mysterio and Big Show defeated The Real Americans. Mysterio's interview is interrupted by Colter and his boys. I love Real Americans because it is a simple gimmick that has many layers to it. As for Mysterio teaming with Big Show… not so much. You can easily see that WWE does not have many plans for these two former champions right now. Big Show is apparently forgetting about his beef with The Authority. Rey Mysterio is not viewed as a main event guy anymore. Why not pair them together as a tag team, right? WRONG! We already have teams that should be pushed more than these guys right now. The names of Show and Mysterio should be helping young teams, not hurting them. They hurt the importance and relevance of Real Americans tonight.

Grade: C


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