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PWG World Tag Team Championship Match
The Young Bucks (c) def. Joey Ryan & Candice LeRae || ****

The Bucks pose with their titles, but Candice grabs them both by the balls from behind and suplexes them, as Kevin Steen (back on commentary), says she's on steroids. Joey Ryan with a senton to the outside, taking them both out. They try for Hi-Lo on one of the Bucks, but the other one trips up Candice and drags her to the outside as Ryan gets beaten up. The Bucks tag with the Outsiders hand sign as a big “fuck the Young Bucks” chant breaks out. Ryan fights back with a suplex and tags in Candice, who comes off the top rope but gets caught; arm drag tosses Matt out of the ring, and she catches Nick in an Octopus Stretch. Bulldog on Matt, followed by a hurricanerana off the apron as Kevn Steen is freaking out. The crowd is hot after one of the Bucks kicks Candice in the face. They beat her up for a few minutes, until Matt tries to do about four cartwheels, and she levels him with a forearm shot. The champs take each other out accidentally as Candice ducks under a clothesline, and the same thing happens with an enzuigir. In comes Joey Ryan with a release German suplex on Matt, before he spears him to the floor as Candice takes out Nick with a DDT. Nick tries to “Vaginaplex” Candice, but Joey grabs him by the balls and screams “Vaginaplex!” before hitting the move, and superkicking the other Jackson for two. The superkick party starts though as the Young Bucks stack up Joey and Candice and…make Joey tombstone piledrive his own partner…with a series of kicks. You're going to have to see that one yourself; words don't do it justice. Nick Jackson has words with the referee, and Ryan superkicks him from behind. Joey gets crotched, and the Bucks hit an assisted piledriver on LeRae, but Ryan pulls the ref out of the ring. Mass chaos now, as superkicks are flying everywhere. 450 Splash, followed by a Moonsault Press on Candice, and the Young Bucks retain. (12:51)

PWG World Championship Match
Adam Cole (c) def. Kyle O'Reilly || ****

Adam ColeSexy Chuckie T is on commentary. The crowd is pretty split between the two, but more importantly, they are very tired. They lock up with Kyle getting the better of the exchange, and the champ bailing to the outside. O'Reilly holds the ropes down for him to get back in, but kicks the second rope into Adam's crotch instead. Cole calls for a test of strength, and it ends up with a series of bridge pin reversals, followed by roll-up reversals, followed by blocked superkicks from both men. Kyle with a kick to the back for a one-count, following up with arm drags into an ankle lock. He starts digging into Cole's ribs, and lets up the hold to land a series of kicks and chops all over the champ's body. Adam fires back but the crowd chants “piece of shit” and “you love shit” at him. Kyle floats over a suplex and lands about a dozen kicks to the chest; shades of Davey Richards. They fight over who is going to dump the other over the ropes, and Kyle gets sent to the floor, tweaking his knee in the process. Cole looks to dive through the ropes, but gets caught with a forearm. The challenger dives off the apron, but Adam catches him with a superkick out of the air. The champ locks in a Figure Four on the ringpost, holding it until the referee forces a break. Kyle is hurt, limping around the ring, and Cole continues to work over the injury with a Dragon Screw, followed by a diving dropkick right to the knee. Adam starts to taunt his former partner, and O'Reilly comes back with palm strikes and a big kick to the face. A knee life finds its mark, followed by a Dragon suplex for a two-count. They fight out to the apron, exchanging kicks, until Cole body slams him into the apron, crashing through chairs on the floor. Cole gets in the ring first, but it takes O'Reilly until the count of 19 to get back in the ring. Kyle works a mat game, locking in the triangle choke after a series of kicks and counters that are way too fast and furious to cover. He hooks in a Cross Arm Breaker, but the Young Bucks are here to make the save. Kyle dives off the apron and takes out both Jacksons with running knees. Back in the ring, Cole hits the Panama Sunrise for an extremely close two-count. Kyle back into the Cross Arm Breaker out of nowhere, but Kevin Steen hits the ring and pulls the referee out as Cole taps. Steen with the Package Piledriver on Kyle O'Reilly, and another referee counts the three for the world champion. (29:55)

After the bell rings, the fans start to chant “this is bullshit” as Steen and the Young Bucks beat down Kyle O'Reilly. AR Fox and Rich Swann try to make the save, but fall to the numbers game. Drake Younger is out next, but gets hit with stereo superkicks from the Bucks. The crowd chants for Candice LeRae. Chuck Taylor, Willie Mac, B-Boy, Anthony Nese, Candice LeRae, Joey Ryan and Trent empty out of the back and chase off Mount Rushmore. Johnny Gargano gets on the mic and says PWG is the best wrestling company on the planet, and everyone is sick of the four heels standing in the entrance way. He tells Kevin Steen he made him tap out the last time they hooked up, and challenges Adam Cole to a world championship match.


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