2014 WWE Royal Rumble Review: Likely One of the Only Positive Reports You’re Going to Read About This Year’s Show

royal rumbleEveryone knows I'm a bit of a hothead when it comes to wrestling booking I don't like. That said, over 100 people followed me on Twitter last night because of a single tweet voicing my displeasure, and thousands of you read and agreed with my column immediately after the show was over, so I know I'm not alone. Then I read Nick Paglino's extremely rare editorial – which is how you know shit just got real – and realized, as per usual, how quickly wrestling fans can overreact to everything. 

I'm not completely backtracking. If an arena full of people are defecating on the single biggest gimmick match of the year, you're doing something wrong. Daniel Bryan should have won the Royal Rumble. The "powers that be" in WWE should be more flexible. So you set your plans in place? Change them. Give the people what they want. They didn't want Orton-Cena, they won't want Orton-Batista. 

But Nick was right – Bryan, Bray Wyatt and Roman Reigns left last night's PPV looking like a million bucks. There was a lot to love about Royal Rumble before everyone turned on the show. I was singing WWE's praises before the final ten minutes before the PPV went off the air (15 minutes early, I might add) and I want to get back to that. So let's take a look at what went RIGHT at WWE Royal Rumble this weekend… 


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