WZ Readers: We Want to Hear YOUR Opinion of CM Punk’s WWE Situation, Give Us Your Thoughts via Twitter, Facebook and Instagram!

cm punkThe breaking news story this week in pro wrestling is CM Punk walking out on Raw this week and abruptly quitting WWE, and we want to know how you, the WZ readers, feel about it!

The subject of Punk quitting has everyone in the internet wrestling community asking questions, and WZ wants YOUR answers. Here's how you can join in on the discussion and let your voice be heard!

Using the hashtag #wzpunkquits, give us your thoughts on one of the following questions/topics using Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram. Feel free to chime in however you want. Have a joke about the whole situation? Let us hear it. Have a topical Meme or photo you want to share? Let us see it! Here are the topics:

-Is CM Punk gone from WWE for good? If not, when do you think he will return?

-Is CM Punk TNA bound?

-Was CM Punk walking out on Raw a slap in the face to the fans that paid money to see him that night?

-Do you agree with CM Punk's decision to leave WWE?

-Do you foresee other WWE talents following suit and walking out on WWE? If so, which names?

-In your opinion, does CM Punk have a legitimate gripe with WWE right now? If so, what is it? If not, why not?

WZ will be compiling the best of your responses, so keep them coming, and look out for the article containing your thoughts, as well as the thoughts of the WZ staff, including Mark Madden and Kevin Kelly, in the coming days!


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