2/16 Wrestlezone Recap: Hall of Fame on the WWE Network, The Rock in New HBO Series, Kevin Nash is Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

It's Sunday, and that means another edition of the Wrestlezone Recap, where we take a look at the big news topics of this week, and I make fun of them. Please excuse the abrasive amount of sarcasm and satire in this week's column. It's been a pretty slow news week, and there's not a ton worth talking about. 

Ballers…Will it Suck?

Original Story: "Dwayne Johnson to Star in New HBO Series"

update on the rock​The Rock has signed on to star and executive produce a new HBO series called "Ballers". This could be good. Rocky showed some impressive range last year when he did "Pain & Gain" – a movie that didn't make my Top 10 list, but none the less showed off a side of Dwayne the fans don't get to see all that often. You know, a side that can act well. 

All kidding aside (I love the Rock, I really do), I'd say you've got a 50/50 chance of this series being any good. It's on HBO, so right off the bat they're doing well. It means they have a lot more creative freedom to work with. There's also a stigma about paid cable stations, and their programming is perceived by the masses as having a higher status. Shows like Boardwalk Empire, Weeds, Dexter, The Sopranos and The Newsroom have proven that true over the years. 

Here's the flip side: Peter Berg directed Hancock. He also directed Friday Night Lights and The Kingdom – two very good films – but come on…it's Hancock. I think the bad out-weighs the good here. 


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