Stars in Progress: “This Is Awesome”, Austin Talks Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, Orton Needs A Win This Sunday

sheamusSheamus – One Step Down

I have yet to jump on board the babyface train of Sheamus. He is 100x better as a heel. However, from a business standpoint, I see why Vince likes him where he's at.

Children love the guy. He's virtually another Cena when it comes to being a public face and spokesman, albeit on a smaller level. 

As a fan though, it's hard to get excited about much of anything he's doing. His spot in the Chamber match this Sunday is about as relevant as Christian being there .Cesaro may have a better chance of winning it than Sheamus. 

This is a good example of why unifying the world titles can be a negative thing. While I ultimately think it was the best decision, it really does reduce the playing field on top and leaves guys like Sheamus lost in a limbo state for months, even years, at times.

There's no denying Sheamus' star quality. He truly has that "action figure" look and he's a unique character. But unfortunately, he's just in a lackluster state right now. 

It's easy for me to blame it all on the fact that he's a babyface, so until proven otherwise, I'm going to continue blaming it on just that.

Dammit fella, turn heel already!


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