3/2 WZ Recap: WWE Superweek Edition; CM Punk Coming Back to WWE?, Thoughts on Monday Night Raw, NXT Arrival, TNA’s Confusing Titles & More

There's so much to talk about this week – or as I've been calling it, "WWE Superweek". Everything from Elimination Chamber to Monday Night Raw, NXT, CM Punk's status for WrestleMania, Undertaker's return and a whole lot more is on the table this weekend. 

CM Punk: WrestleMania Bound

cm punkAccording to the Wrestling Observer, CM Punk will be on Raw this Monday from Chicago, IL. Whether or not the whole thing is a work, it really doesn't matter. It didn't matter in 2011, and it doesn't matter now. I have personal opinions about the ethical way to leave a company, and how I feel as a fan if the walk-out is legitimate, but is really doesn't matter. The story matters, and the current plan is either Punk vs. Triple H, as planned from the start, or inserting Punk in the championship match, which makes zero sense after Batista's heel turn. 

The hate for Batista frustrates me, but it is what it is. Some fans simply don't like him, others are just following the trend. Some just like Bryan more, and refuse any alternative to "their guy" being in the main event of WrestleMania. Either way, fans are literally calling for a new era – most of them see Batista's title match as a step backwards. 

It will be interesting to see how people react to CM Punk being in a triple threat match at WrestleMania. Not in Chicago – the whole state will be cheering for him then. But in the five other weeks leading up to NOLA, will Punk satisfy the masses? If the hate for Batista is legitimate, Punk is a great alternative. If the hate is simply a reaction to Bryan getting kicked under the ring, those same fans should also boo CM Punk.

The good news is we only have to wait 24 hours to find out if Punk is coming back, or if it all comes down to internet speculation and wild rumors. If he comes back at all for WrestleMania, it will be in Chicago. Will he actually beat Triple H, or better yet, win the WWE Championship again? If he signs a new contract, that's a possibility. The fans are sick and tired of Randy Orton vs. John Cena, but they'll go crazy for a CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan feud.

Armchair Booking: Punk wins title at WrestleMania. Daniel Bryan beats Triple H at WrestleMania. The night after WrestleMania, Punk kicks Bryan in the face, turns heel, and spends the last month of his contract building Daniel Bryan up to take his place.


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