Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Does Mania Need Specialty Match?”

The Undercard

wwe smackdown reactionChristian defeated Dolph Ziggler. Ziggler gets going with a clothesline onto Christian and we are stalled. Christian slaps Ziggler and Dolph hits numerous elbow drops. Christian misses a baseball slide but bounces Ziggler off the apron. Christian catapults Ziggler into the steel steps. After a few reversals, Ziggler plants Christian with a huge DDT. Alberto Del Rio gets on the announce table and tries to distract Ziggler. Christian hits Killswitch for the win. I would love to see these three or four guys in something important at WrestleMania. What could it be?

Score: 6/10

Sheamus defeated Alberto Del Rio in a fight. Sheamus and Del Rio battle to a commercial break. When we get back, Sheamus chops the chest of Del Rio. Del Rio connects with an incredible kick to the head. Sheamus hits White Noise and gets a two count. Del Rio locks in his finisher, hoping Sheamus taps out.  Sheamus is able to power out and lift him up from the mat. After Del Rio argues with the referee, he is caught with a Brogue Kick for the loss. It was a solid match and enforces my overall opinion on how they should be booked in New Orleans.

Score: 6.5/10

Why would WWE not have these four former world champions have a match where one gets a future championship match at WrestleMania? It does not need to be Money in the Bank, but make it a specialty match. You can add in Sheamus and other former champions to give them time on the card. This would be better than a handful of singles matches. Sheamus and Christian need spiced up and the addition of Ziggler and Del Rio would make this match relevant and important. I really think all four of these guys are special in their own way. Utilize them to their fullest potential on the biggest stage. WrestleMania lacks important undercard matches since Money in the Bank was removed.

The Uso's defeated Ryback and Curtis Axel. The new champions get the match against Ryback and Axel on Smackdown. Axel pulls down the ropes and makes a quick tag. He drives Jimmy Uso into the apron. Ryback gets back into the ring and works on the arm of Jimmy. Ryback hits a suplex, but misses off the top rope. Jey gets the hot tag and the action picks up. He hits a kick to the chest and to the face of Ryback. A sitdown splash and a Samoan Drop plants Ryback on the mat. Axel breaks up the count, but this gives Jimmy and Jey a chance to hit a kick into his face. Jey hits a splash onto Ryback for the win.

The champions look strong and continue to gain steam. Their biggest problem is finding a legit team, or two, to feud with. They need a WrestleMania match. Cody and Goldust? You can do face team vs. face team and they are the best option right now.

Score: 6.5/10

Natayla and Eva Marie defeated AJ Lee and Tamina. Eva Marie hits a nice arm drag onto Tamina, but AJ Lee shoves her from behind. Tamina tags in the champion hits a spinning elbow. AJ continues her assault and tags in Tamina. They work on the rookie diva until Natalya finally gets in the ring. Nattie hits two snap suplexes. She gets a two count and Tamina breaks up the pin. Tamina gets taken down by a spinning clothesline. AJ Lee tries the Black Widow, but Natalya makes her tap out to the Sharpshooter.

The match was decent. You can tell that Eva Marie is slowly getting better in the ring. Does AJ Lee have a championship match on the big stage? If so, who is most deserving? @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.

Score: 4.5/10


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