Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “Lots of Wrestling, Not Much Storylines”

The Best Match/Big Show and Kane

wwe smackdown reactionDolph Ziggler defeated Alberto Del Rio. This was a fun match to watch because of how much chemistry they have with one another. This was a great match that really helped Ziggler get a much needed victory. Dolph picks up the win after multiple reversals and hitting a Zig Zag. After the match, Ziggler talks about how he needed this win and how he is getting on a roll. I can easily see Ziggler back into a main event type level in the next few months. He needs that one BIG matchup to put himself back onto the map. As for Del Rio, you can hate his character all you want, but the guy never puts on a bad match.

Score: 7/10

Big Show defeated Kane.

We have seen this match many times before, but the bigger story was what was happening outside. Kane orders The Shield to help him out by looking to attack The Big Show. The Shield does not help him and Big Show ends up hitting a chokeslam onto Kane. This tells me that WWE will have The Shield as faces heading into WrestleMania XXX. Who will team with Kane? Is this the best time for The Ascension to come debut?

Score: 5/10

WWE Smackdown Score: 6/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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