3/16 Wrestlezone Recap: New Hall of Famer Announced, WrestleMania Line-Up, TNA Roster on the Move, WWE’s Top Five of 2014 & More

Roman Reigns did an interview recently where he talked about the original creative idea the Shield trio came up with for their debut. Somebody decided they needed to hit the ring at Survivor Series 2012 with actual riot shields, made of plastic. Reigns said he was worried about not physically being able to get in the ring with a big, bulky shield attached to him. Apparently, Vince McMahon nixed the idea and sent them out there with nothing but their fists, which in the long run was obviously a much better idea. 

WWEWWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley has made a pretty major addition to his already gigantic RAINN vacation raffle. The lucky winner(s) not only get to fly to New Orleans, go to WrestleMania with the Foley family, and a bunch of random other stuff – now they also get the "option" to go to Disney World and stay in the Animal Kingdom resort. As if that's an actual option. If you get the chance to fly to and from Disney World for free, and stay in one of the coolest resorts on the planet, you don't turn that down. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. The odds aren't much better than winning the lottery, but you might as well have a choice – at least you're helping real victims with your money, not funding the US government. 

TNA debuted a new Knockout, Brittany, this week on Impact Wrestling. She's actually not new, and her "debut" wasn't a debut, so much as a re-debut. You may know her as Santana Garrett, but probably not. Remember the girl that accompanied Orlando Jordan during his weird bisexual gimmick about four years ago? That was Santana Garrett. By the way, when I say "weird bisexual gimmick" I mean the actual gimmick was weird, not his sexual preference. Santana did some work in WWE's developmental program, and wrestled for SHINE for a few years. 

Speaking of Knockouts, it looks like Mickie James is pregnant, or so the rumor goes. Another rumor, stemming from the same report, says that she's back with TNA World Champion Magnus, but the child (probably) isn't his. Again, all of this is rumor and speculation. The kind that, if false, could actually hurt people. So let's be mature in handling this "news" that is really none of our business.