Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Triple H and Daniel Bryan Sell WrestleMania”

The Undercard

wwe raw reactionThe Real Americans defeated The Uso's

Jack Swagger and Jimmy Uso start off the match. Jimmy hits a spinebuster and a chop to the chest. Jey gets in the ring and hits a splash into the corner. Swagger makes the tag to Cesaro and he begins to beat down onto Jey. After multiple uppercuts, Jey reverses it and tags his brother in. Jimmy connects with a right hand and a suplex. Cesaro hits a backbreaker onto Jimmy for a two count. Both men stomp away and Swagger gets in the ring. Jimmy Uso's gets the tag and hits a few nice kicks to Swagger. Cesaro and Jey get the tags. After some clothesline and kicks, Jey hits a body dive and pays tribute to his father, Rikishi. Cesaro kicks out after a Samoan Drop and Jey heads to the top. Swagger pulls Cesaro out of the ring and gets hit with multiple kicks. The Uso's fly to the outside, but Cesaro hits a massive uppercut and a Neutralizer onto Jimmy for the win.

Reaction: This was a great tag team match because both teams were featured enough offensively. It was not a squash match to focus on the champions, nor was it the challengers dominating the champions. Sometimes, it is okay for champions to lose. The Uso's are hotter than ever and are continuing to add more offensive moves into their arsenal. As for Cesaro and Swagger, it looks like WWE stopped the split, for now, because they realize how good they are and how much lack of respectable tag teams are in WWE right now. This needs to be added to WrestleMania, possibly with two more teams.

Score: 7.5/10

Sheamus defeated Titus O'Neil

Titus hits a few punches, but Sheamus hits a clothesline. Sheamus punches away at Titus and gets clotheslined to the outside. He hits a running shoulder block from the apron to the floor. Titus rams Sheamus into the steel post and then hits a backbreaker. Titus hits a fallaway slam and then tosses Hornswoggle into the ring. He tries to toss Hornswoggle, but Sheamus catches him. Sheamus hits multiple chops to his chest and then a Brogue Kick for the win.

Reaction: Sheamus is attacked by Christian after the match. I like how WWE is building this Battle Royal because they are focusing on mini feuds between foes. You have Sheamus and Christian feuding, Ziggler and Del Rio. I really think WWE is trying their hardest to make this match important at WrestleMania. Sheamus is so UNDERRATED. It is crazy how good someone his size and stature can move around. This match wasn't anything special, but it did continue the feud with Sheamus and Christian without them wrestling for the tenth time this month. 

Score: 5/10

Goldust defeated Fandango

This was more of a comedy match, where both guys tried to one up the other. Goldust hits a hurricanranna from the top and it gets bad after that. Goldust looks seriously hurt and you can see he tells Fandango to wrap up the match. Fandango misses a leg drop and Goldust hits his finisher.

Reaction: What the hell are they doing with Cody and Goldust? Why aren't they featured as a premiere tag tam anymore? These guys are exciting and Goldust deserves a big match at WrestleMania. Cody Rhodes may be the best all around wrestler in the company. He can provide a little bit of everything inside the ring.

Score: 4/10


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