Exclusive Conversation With Paul Heyman On Lesnar, Vince McMahon & More

Paul HeymanI write a wrestling column every Monday and Friday for the Pittsburgh-Tribune-Review. It can be found online at TribLIVE.com.

Today, I provided some of the highlights of a conversation I had with Paul Heyman. The full audio can be heard on Tuesday on TribLIVE Radio.

LaBar: From sneaking into wrestling events as a photographer and all that you've experienced, how do you define where your career is now?

Heyman: I am part of what I consider to be the most compelling, the most riveting and the most intriguing storyline going into WrestleMania. The Undertaker trying to defend, and this year unsuccessfully trying to defend, the greatest streak in sports, the greatest streak in entertainment, the greatest streak in sports entertainment history — The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. So, just to be apart of it, let alone to advocate the position of the person challenging the streak, is quite an honor and quite a spotlight. It's where I think I truly deserve to be.

LaBar: Can you describe the situation and memories to when you and Brock Lesnar first met?

Heyman: It was 12 years ago, Brock was wrestling in OVW, which at the time was the developmental system for WWE. Nobody had a clear vision for him. It was “be a big man.” Not acknowledging this NCAA heavyweight champion had everything it took to revolutionize a big man's approach in a squared circle. So Taz came to me, who is a huge fan of NCAA Division 1 wrestling, and he said, “You know that's Brock Lesnar over there and you gotta hear the terrible advice they're giving him.” The old timers were telling him (in an old grouchy voice), “Stand there in the middle of the ring like Nikita Koloff and hit a guy with a clothesline.” Are you kidding me? This is Brock Lesnar we're talking about. I spent five minutes around Brock Lesnar and realized he had a keen vision for the future on what he was able to accomplish. I wanted to ride his coattails as long as I could, and I'm still riding them today.

CLICK HERE to read the rest including who he wants Lesnar to fight at WrestleMania 31 or 32 and his reaction when asked to describe his relationship with Vince McMahon.


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