Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “The Last Stop Before WrestleMania”

The Shield's Roman Reigns Carries The Load

wwe raw reactionRoman Reigns and Kane fight in a good bout. Kane gets the upper hand at first, but Reigns hits a big clothesline and a superman punch. Reigns connects with a huge boot to the head and out come The Outlaws. The Shield comes out and attack. They all begin to attack Kane. They try to set up the triple powerbomb, but the Outlaws drag Kane out.

Reaction: This is the perfect tease. I just wonder how many people really care about this match? Will Ambrose or Rollins turn on Reigns? I wonder how this match ends up. Can it simply be The Shield winning?

Score: 6/10

Piper's Pit

Well, WWE tried to make the battle royal more important. I give them credit for pushing the right guys, guys like Sheamus, Ziggler, Miz, Titus and Big Show. You have a good combination of younger and talented guys with established stars. What is the real payoff here though? Is there one? WWE should have let Piper go off on a rant about one of the guys. It would have been more unique.

Score: 5/10

Main Event Shapes Up

Batista and Randy Orton fight on the outside while Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are on commentary. Orton kicks down the animal and sends him into the ring post. Orton is in control and mocks the crowd. He sends Batista over the time keepers area. Batista gets a steel chair and smacks Orton with it. Orton gives Batista a spinebuster on the barricade.Orton attacks him with a Kendo Stick, but Batista throws him into the steel steps. Batista hits a spinebuster and sets up for his finisher. Orton hits a backbreaker and then hits a hanging DDT. Daniel Bryan comes out and attacks Triple H. Orton and Bryan get into it and Bryan goes wild. Batista spears Orton and then Bryan hits a running knee onto him. Bryan hits a suicide dive onto Triple H on the outside. Bryan goes wild onto Triple H and both men become unglued. Daniel Bryan stands tall to end the night.

Reaction: Sunday will be Daniel Bryan's WrestleMania moment. This might be the most well-deserved moment for any superstar in WWE history. Bryan is gold, absolute gold. This was an excellent ending and felt very Attitude Era holding him out for the last few minutes of the show.

Score: 8/10

WWE Raw Score: 6.5/10

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.