Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: Matches You Won’t See at WrestleMania This Year

#6 – Championship Unification

the shieldThis doesn't necessarily have to be Big E vs. Dean Ambrose by any means – they could have done a switch with either of them weeks ago. As it stands, the US Championship doesn't mean a damn thing, and the focus being on The Shield as a group instead of the title itself isn't helping. Why does Dean still have the belt? I originally thought it was to build up some sort of triple threat title match to put over Roman Reigns. Now I'm pretty sure it was just another case of lazy booking, and not wanting to write for another Superstars to hold the title. 

And this is exactly why there doesn't need to be two midcard titles. The whole concept of multiple singles titles, when there is no weight division, has always been pointless in my eyes. You are intentionally saying "here's our world title that means everything, and here's our midcard title that doesn't mean as much." Why do guys want one over the other? Because that's the way it has always been. Titles mean something in the UFC, where people actually win and lose them. So in the WWE, where nobody has ever really "won" a title, having two midcard belts isn't just redundant, it's hindering both championships. 

There is no brand split. They got rid of the second set of tag titles and the women's championship years ago. The world titles have been merged. The United States Championship – and you know that's the one getting cut, eventually – isn't necessary. The match could have been built up as a major unification on the biggest stage of them all. It would have been immediately more interesting than half of the WrestleMania card as it stands right now. 


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