Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Trying To Make Garbage Into Gold”

The Undercard

wwe raw reactionCesaro defeated Rob Van Dam 

This was a really solid match, one that I enjoyed very much. Cesaro and RVD put on a smooth and effective match, one that showcased RVD's athleticism mixed with the timing and strength of Cesaro. Bad News Barrett is on commentary and RVD kicks him in the chin. He distracts RVD and Cesaro picks up the win. Sheamus comes out and hits a Brogue Kick. 

Here is what I worry about with Cesaro: Will he be booked like Axel a year ago, a build that gives him mid card championships and no real BIG feud. Does he win against Sheamus? If he loses, how will he be viewed, especially with everyone thinking Cesaro vs. Lesnar is in the works. 

Score: 6/10

El Torito defeated Drew McIntyre

Yes, this happened. This lasted 7 minutes too long and was a complete wreck. Who thinks a midget wrestling a 230 pound guy is funny or entertaining? I am okay with comedy bits, but this did not make me laugh one bit. End this complete GARBAGE. At least Drew got TV time, right? 

Score: 1/10

Rusev and Big E Feud

Rusev picks up another win, this time against Zack Ryder. Out comes Big E to save Ryder. He attacks Rusev and gets the upper hand to end the segment. This is something different for Rusev, which I am okay with. Unfortunately, Big E is not established enough and is the wrong opponent for Rusev…at least right now. They are young. They still need to build wins against legit competition. Give me this feud once Big E gets a real win or a real feud and let him help Rusev. I have seen much worse, but it seems out of whack.

Score: 3.5/10


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