Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “No Cena, No Lesnar, Big Problems”

wwe raw reactionRoman Reigns defeated Kane in a Last Man Standing Match

WWE Raw Reaction kicks off with Reigns and Kane. Kane really gets going by punishing Reigns with a kendo stick. He grabs the steel steps and Reigns is knocked out. Reigns is slightly busted open and barely makes the ten count. We head to a commercial break with Reigns sending Kane over a timekeepers area.

Reigns counters with a toss of Kane into a chair. Reigns unloads with a clothesline and a running clothesline into the corner. He hits his patented diving dropkick to Kane’s head. Roman goes for a table and Kane attacks from behind. Reigns counters with a Samoan Drop. Reigns tries for a Superman Punch, but Kane chokeslams him through a table. Roman Reigns makes it to his feet and the match continues.

Kane sets up a chair and Reigns reverses him and hits a DDT onto the chair. Reigns connects with a Superman Punch. Reigns spears Kane and wins the match. 

A Last Man Standing match needs to be more of a street fight over this. We had a few weapons, but Reigns did not really use them. Kane can’t recover a ten count from a Spear? Does that seem logical or believable for a guy who is 7 foot and 300 pounds? I wanted to see a more extreme style of Reigns, similar to what Orton did to him a week ago. We need to see an extreme style from Reigns to help himself elevate to another level. 

WZZ 6.5

John Cena and Brock Lesnar Video Package

I loved this video highlighting Brock Lesnar and John Cena. Brock Lesnar does not NEED to speak on a weekly basis, but his promos and pre-recorded interviews have been excellent. The swearing that was blurred out was perfect. It gives a sense of realism when you let him speak like that and show all of his UFC pictures and videos. Brock Lesnar says he was successful in many ways and Cena says Lesnar works for money. 

There may not be a bigger MVP in WWE than their video production team. The videos are incredible and can easily let the fans forget that neither guy is there. The package was about 6-7 minutes and was everything WWE could do to salvage neither man being there. Next week, both men need to end it on a physical matter. WWE needs to give us a sample of what to expect at SummerSlam.

WZ 7


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