Stars in Progress: TNA X-Division & Tag Team Titles on the Rise, Stephanie & Brie Bella Continue to Steal the Show, Cena Sucks

This week’s Wrestlezone Stars in Progress comes on the heels of a great Impact Wrestling “Destination X” special, and the second-to-last week of build-up to WWE’s SummerSlam PPV

Step Up: TNA’s X-Division

destination xDestination X was a fantastic show last Thursday, with great matches all over the card and good character progression in every ongoing angle. The first qualifying match between Low Ki, TJ Perkins and DJ Zema Ion was quite good. While I still hate “option C” and think every guy who “cashes in” a championship has further buried it in a sea of irrelevance, the obligatory tournament to crown a new champion looks to be great. Having seen the spoilers, I’m fairly confident the fans will be happy with the next title holder, and that it’s a good, even retro direction for the X-Division. That being said, it’s really hard to get excited about anything TNA does with its high-flyers, because the only thing consistent about the X-Division is its lack of consistency. We’ll see how hard they actually care this time…

Step Up: TNA’s Tag Team Division

file_190009_8_hardy-boys(1)Much like the X-Division, TNA’s tag team division is rarely cared about, but is currently doing fantastic. The Wolves are great, but previously they’ve had a distinct lack of competition; the same issue that faced the BroMans, Bad Influence, and everyone who’s held the titles for years. The championship match last week between The Wolves and the Hardy Boyz was the best tag match TNA has put on in quite some time. At some point – possibly heading into Bound for Glory – there will be a 3-way feud between those two teams, and the soon-to-be Hall of Famers, Team 3D. I can’t imagine either of the Attitude Era legends will be sticking around post-BFG, so again the key word is CONSISTENCY, but for right now things are going really well. More importantly, they’re making matches people want to see, which is a rarity across all wrestling these days. 


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