Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Last Stop Heats Up SummerSlam”

Bray Wyatt and Chris Jericho Have a Face to Face Interview

 raw reactionBray Wyatt asks if Chris Jericho can see the disappointment in his dad’s eyes. Bray says that Jericho knows nothing about him. He says he cannot dream, but has nightmares that make him scream. He says he is not a savior and Wyatt wants to help people. Bray says he does not believe in heaven or hell and hates what the world has created. Jericho says Bray will never be a savior. Jericho talks about how he won, lost and had championships. He calls himself a survivor, and how he has many sides. Jericho says he is going to Follow the Buzzards and shove them down his throat. He says he is going to shut him up for good.

Different, but I was alright with it. I wanted to see more of this earlier in the feud. I think WWE could have gotten so much more out out of them in a longer feud. WWE Battleground was too soon for a match. They needed to do some pre-recorded segments backstage. Bray could have gotten really creative, maybe along the lines of possibly “kidnapping” Jericho or trying to brainwash him. I have this Clockwork Orange type idea in my mind, but this is probably easier then. I am interested, but is it really THAT big of a match?

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Eva Marie defeated AJ Lee

As the match gets underway, Paige comes out and skips to the ring. She hits an elbow strike and looks at Paige. Eva Marie rolls her up and picks up the win. After the match, Paige tells her that she is sorry she pushed her off the stage. She says she likes AJ and wants to punch her. She reads a poem and gets in the head of AJ Lee. AJ attacks Eva Marie after the match.

I really like Paige right now. She is flipping the switch of AJ Lee and getting into her head. WWE simplified and made this feud easy to follow. Paige is SO much better as a heel and I would not be surprised if she won the Divas Championship on Sunday. This segment was just a filler and the last straw they can get out of these two.  

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Heath Slater defeated Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler hits a few dropkicks and then works away at the man who beat Rollins last week. Slater hits a running knee and gets a two count. The Miz is on commentary throughout the match. Slater hits a spinning heel kick and then Ziggler hits a running clothesline. Dolph Ziggler hits a ZigZag and then Miz comes after him. Ziggler tosses Miz into the barricade and gets counted out.

I liked the ending of this match. I find it hilarious WWE is running with Slater picking up some wins. I found the commentary a little distracting, but it showcased the new persona of The Miz. This has always been good for Miz, being a cocky and arrogant heel. They cannot let him lose on Sunday, even though I would love to see Ziggler get a big moment. Either way, WWE does exactly what they needed tonight in a match with little implications. A slight distraction lets us get a more intense and personal Dolph Ziggler.

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