Brock Lesnar Needed To Destory John Cena, WWE’s Biggest Mistake At SummerSlam

In my latest video on CineSport for the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, I address the main event but I also talk about what I think was the biggest mistake made at SummerSlam

Below is my Monday column for the Pittsburgh Trib where I react in full to Brock Lesnar destroying John Cena to become the new WWE Champion. The following is an excerpt:

The first two hours and thirty minutes of WWE SummerSlam was par for the course.

A little good, a little bad, but overall it kept pace. It kept pace to keep interest, but it left something big to be desired for the main event.

Something big for the main event did happen. Brock Lesnar is the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion and it was done the right way.

In the Staples Center in Los Angeles, second biggest show of the year with a ringside full of celebrities — there was no shortage of hype and an expectation bar for this main event that had a big fight feel.

That’s what this was being billed as, a fight. That’s what it was, a fight.

Lesnar was in control of this fight for the majority of the match with little spurts of “Super Cena” comebacks. The rest of the match was done well. A stiff sequence of ground and pound punches topped off by 16 german suplexes by Lesnar. Half of those 16 made me verbally react in concern with how Cena landed on his neck.

I’m shocked by this, but happy because it needed to happen. I didn’t have confidence WWE would give the title to a guy who appears selectively per year. I didn’t have confidence WWE and Cena would feel comfortable giving the title to Lesnar who doesn’t eat, sleep and breath the business like others do.

WWE had a once in a lifetime opportunity with a real legitimate fighter like Lesnar coming off of doing something nobody will ever do in beating The Undertaker’s 20 year WrestleMania streak. Any other outcome would have been a missed opportunity.

I pose this question and challenge for WWE — how and who do you ever expect Lesnar to be beat?

What’s next for Lesnar and what will be revealed tonight on RAW — CLICK HERE



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